Study on Socio Demographic Profile of Natural Death in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital Hyderabad, Telangana
: Socio demographic profile, Natural death.Abstract
A cross sectional study was conducted on socio demographic profile on natural death in a tertiary care teaching
Hospital Suraram, Hyderabad Telangana, it was a retrospective and record based study. 100 death case sheets were
collected from Medical record department {MRD} of the hospital for a period of 1 year from 1st July 2020 to 30th
June 2021. Socio demographic and clinical details were collected in the pre structured data sheet and statistically
evaluated by MS Excel software.
Non communicable diseases are predominant in our study. We observed five leading causes of deaths among the
most common cause of death was due to diseases of the respiratory system (36%) Pneumonia being the leading
cause, Cardio vascular diseases (18%), septicemia (15%), GIT and liver diseases caused mortality (14%) and Central
nervous system diseases are (7%). Highest number of deaths was observed in urban, married and above 50 years
age group individuals. Diabetes and COPD was the highest co morbidity found in our study group. Heavy traffic
congestion and many industries in the hospital catchment area are the probable reasons for highest respiratory
diseases. Better ergonomics and industrial health management can prevent these diseases.

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