A Search for Neuropsychological Indicators: A Comparative Study with Children with Conflict in Law


  • Saranya Banerjee
  • Sanchari Roy
  • Atanu Kumar Dogra
  • Sanjukta Das




law violation, children in conflict with law, internalising, externalising, neuropsychological marker.


Law violation amongst adolescents have become a very important area of concern for the nation as a whole. In
the current study, the objectives are to find whether there exist any neuropsychological markers that will help to
differentiate children in conflict with law (CCL) from neurotypicals who have never engaged in law violation and
also to find whether there exists any significant difference between CCL-I, CCL-E and CCL-M with respect to the
neuropsychological markers. The sample included 59 adolescents out of which 10 were neurotypicals, 14 CCL
with predominantly internalising manifestation (CCL-I), 17 CCL with predominantly externalising manifestation
(CCL-E), 18 CCL with both internalising and externalising manifestation (CCL-M). The tools used in the study are
Child Behaviour Checklist- Youth Self Report(CBCL/YSR), Bhatia Battery of Performance tests and three subtests
from Delis- Kaplan Executive Functioning System. Statistical analysis was done using Kruskal Wallis test. Test
results included significant differences between the groups with respect to ‘Twenty Questions Test’ and ‘Colourword
Interference Test’.

Author Biographies

  • Saranya Banerjee

    Clinical Psychologist in a Project funded by Directorate of Child Rights and Trafficking, Government
    of West Bengal

  • Sanchari Roy

    Clinical Psychologist in a Project funded by Directorate of Child Rights and Trafficking, Government
    of West Bengal

  • Atanu Kumar Dogra

    Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta

  • Sanjukta Das

    Professor,Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta




How to Cite

A Search for Neuropsychological Indicators: A Comparative Study with Children with Conflict in Law. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(1), 162-168. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v17i1.18917