Acute Yellow Oleander Poisoning-Its Cardiotoxicity and Clinical Profile: A Study on Eastern India Population
Yellow oleander, cardiac toxicity, cerebra thevetia.Abstract
Background: Yellow oleander/Cerebra thevetia/Pila kaner a plant widely cultivated in the plains in india is highly
poisonous. Kernels of the seeds contain glycosides thevetin, thevetoxin, cerberin, and peruvoside. Poisoning
usually leads to gastrointestinal and cardiac toxicity.
Aims and Objectives: Our aim was to determine the clinical profile of yellow oleander poisoning with special
emphasis on cardiac toxicity, neurotoxicity if any and outcome of management using currently available treatment.
Materials and Methods: We studied 60 patients with yellow oleander poisoning prospectively admitted in
Hospital. A 12 lead electrocardiogram 3 min rhythm ECG strip and blood sample for measurement of electrolytes,
Serum calcium, urea and creatinine and liver function tests were taken before treatment. ECG was also done in
every patient on 2nd day of admission and at the time of discharge. Serum cardiac glycosides could not be done
due to lack of facilities.
Results: Toxic manifestations included were Gastrointestinal, cardiac toxicity in the form of cardiac arrhythmia but
Some patients developed neurological symptoms in the form of tremor (6 patients -10%), ataxia( 8 patients-13.33%)
at the end of first week, and focal seizure (only four patients-6.66%).
Conclusion: In our study we found gastrointestinal symptoms(vomitting, loose motion with dehydration) and
cardiological symptoms (sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, AV block and nodal rhythm, ventricular ectopics
are more commonly present in Yellow oleander poisoning. Moreover we have found some Neurological symptoms
in our study in the form of tremor,ataxia and focal seizures.

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