Pattern of Medico-Legal Cases in the Casualty Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital in the Moradabad District


  • Partha S. Bhattacharyya
  • Pramod S. Dode
  • Suresh Chand
  • Sarvesh Patil



Medico-legal cases, Pattern, Road Traffic Accident (RTA), Season, Casualty department


Introduction: Casualty or now labeled as “Emergency department” by National Medical Commission of India,
the name of the department itself explains that every emergency case should enter into any hospital through
that department, including Medico-legal cases. Casualty medical officer is the first treating doctor and it is his/
her responsibility to determine either the case should be labeled as medico-legal or not and then accordingly
intimation to police, documentation and report submission is done in regards to evidence collection and appear
in the court as expert witness.
Objective: In present study, an attempt is made to know the pattern and magnitude of medico-legal cases.
Materials and methods: This is a retrospective, cross-sectional study which was conducted in Teerthanker
Mahaveer Medical College & research Hospital, Moradabad to study pattern of medicolegal cases for one year
(from 1st August 2021 to 31st July 2022).
Observation and Result: This study revealed that, road traffic accidents (RTA) constituted majority (58.31%) of
medico-legal cases followed by poisoning (13.24%) and fall from height (10.14%). Majority of cases were male
(73.24%). The most of the cases were in the age group 21-30 years i.e. 34.65%. The most of cases were reported in
casualty between 06.00 p.m. to 11.59 p.m. (38.31%) followed by 12.00 p.m. to 06.00 p.m. (32.11%). The maximum
case were reported in October (16.06%) followed by November (12.96%). The most of cases reported in Rainy
season (July-October) (36.06%) followed by winter (33.24%).
Conclusion: In our study, road traffic accidents constituted most common type of medicolegal case and males
outrun female cases. Most common age group was 21-30 years. Most cases occurred in the month of October
while rainy season was common in regards to seasonal variation. Most of the cases encountered between 06.00
pm to 11.59 pm. Most of the cases were, from outside of Moradabad region constituting.

Author Biographies

  • Partha S. Bhattacharyya

    Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, TMMC & RC, Moradabad.

  • Pramod S. Dode

    Associate Professor, Department of ForensicMedicine, TMMC & RC, Moradabad.

  • Suresh Chand

    Professor and Head, Department of ForensicMedicine, TMMC & RC, Moradabad,

  • Sarvesh Patil

    Assistant Professor, SRTRGMCH, Ambajogai




How to Cite

Pattern of Medico-Legal Cases in the Casualty Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital in the Moradabad District. (2023). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(2), 10-14.