Identification of Sex from Maxillary Sinus in Northern Maharashtra


  • Dinesh P. Kathe
  • Karan B. Khairnar
  • Santosh Sinde



Maxillary Sinus, CT Scan, Morphometric Volumes,Adults.


Background: Maxillary Sinus are delicate spaces between maxillary bones and floor of orbital cavities, helps to
lightened the skull and resonance of voice after puberty.Variations in size and shape were observed, owingto
their delicacy they get break hence CT scan study was carried out both sexes.
Methods: 25 male 25 female aged between 25-55 year healthy adults were studied, with CT images, mediolateral,
supero-inferior and antero-posterior dimensions and volumes of MXS were measured in both sexes and
results were analysed statistically.
Results: ML Right SIR right, AP right ML (left) APC (left) volumes of MXS were compared and there was highly
significant p value.
Conclusion: This radiological study (CT scan) of sexual dimorphism of MXS will be useful to medico-legal
expert, anthropologist and anatomist.

Author Biographies

  • Dinesh P. Kathe

    Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, ACPM Medical College Dhule-424001(Maharashtra).

  • Karan B. Khairnar

    Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, ACPM Medical College Dhule-424001(Maharashtra),

  • Santosh Sinde

    Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, MVP, Dr Vasant Rao PawarMedical College Nashik Maharashtra




How to Cite

Identification of Sex from Maxillary Sinus in Northern Maharashtra. (2023). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(2), 1-6.