Retrospective Study of Pattern of Skull Fractures in Different Medicolegal Autopsies


  • G. Hema Latha
  • M. Ramesh Babu
  • B. Sugnan
  • K. Lakshmi
  • N. Dinesh Varma



skull fractures pattern, manner of death, age wise distribution, region of fracture


Skull fractures occurred in RTAs, Assaults and other cases are the most common cause for hospitalization, disability, financial loss and death of the individual. Skull fractures are of various types i.e., linear, comminuted, depressed, hinge etc. Some of the skull fractures may cause rupture of dura mater and injury to brain matter thereby, causing permanent neurological damage and death. In this present study, we focused on the pattern of skull bone fractures involved in various manners like Accidental, Homicidal, Suicidal, also pattern of distribution among male and female, age wise distribution, time of death in a day, and also discussed about any other associated injuries that contributes to cause of death. 165(92%) skull fractures are observed in accidents, 141(78%) cases involve linear fracture. region wise distribution most commonly involved is base of skull region alone in 63(35%) cases commonly seen in fall from height cases, parieto-temporal and base of skull together 36(20%) cases seen in road traffic accidents, temporal and base of skull region 14(7.8%). In other associated injuries commonly involved intracranial haemorrhages and scalp contusions

Author Biographies

  • G. Hema Latha

    Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy,  Guntur medical college

  • M. Ramesh Babu

    Assistant professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Guntur medical college

  • B. Sugnan

    Assistant professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Anantapur

  • K. Lakshmi

    Postgraduate, Department of Forensic Medicine, Guntur medical college

  • N. Dinesh Varma

    Postgraduate, Department of Forensic Medicine, Guntur medical college




How to Cite

Retrospective Study of Pattern of Skull Fractures in Different Medicolegal Autopsies. (2023). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(2), 51-55.