Analytical Study of Suicidal Deaths in Female Reproductive Age Groups, Based on Autopsies Conducted in GGH, Mortuary
female, reproductive age, suicide, urban, poison, motive.Abstract
Suicidal death is nothing but ending one’s own life, which is the most daunting human tragedies and a serious
public health problem. As for NCRB the suicide rate has increased from 6.2% (2020) to 7.2% (2021).This study takes
100 cases retrospectively for the duration of 6 months. All suicidal deaths postmortem examinations are done
in the reproductive age group females from April 2022 to September 2022. Those deaths occurred on the spot,
or in the GGH Guntur, while undergoing treatment. The distribution of cases based on age, geographical area,
marital status, educational status, place of occurrence, history of previous attempt of suicide, hormonal status in
female, case of death and motive behind the suicide. Majority of cases belong to age group 19-29 years and 58%
of urban population committed suicide with common motive behind the suicide is failure in exam. Preferred
method for death is ingestion of poison which is seen in 46% of cases. Victims with changes in hormonal status
like in menstruation are considerable in number. Family history of committing suicides or history of suicides in
the neighbors have provocated some people. Counselling of such identified group of people at various levels
will help the needy victims and decrease the suicide incidence.

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