Chronological Age Estimation by Physiological Changes in the Teeth Among Deceased Human Adults
Modified Gustafson’s criteria, teeth, Physiological changes, Age estimationAbstract
Background: Age can be estimated from the teeth by various methods like eruption of teeth which is known to
be a good indicator of the age of the person.
Aims & Objectives: The current study aimed to estimate the chronological age by physiological changes
(Modified Gustafson’s method) occurring in teeth and also to find out the effect of the diet, other habits and
socio demographic factors on physiological changes in the teeth.
Materials and Method: Present study was done by using the teeth extracted from the deceased bodies sent for
post mortem examination to the Department of Forensic Medicine, Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupati,
during the period of January 2016 to December 2016. A total of 70 cases were studied in the age group between
25 to 60 years. Six physiological changes were studied in each case that were Attrition, Periodontosis, Secondary
dentin deposition, Root resorption, Transparency of the root and Cementum opposition using modified
Gustafson’s formula.
Results: The mean score of these physiological changes was directly proportional to age. Male to female ratio
and non-vegetarian to vegetarian ratio was 3:1. The mean total score was high among males, urban residents,
belonged to upper middle-class socio-economic status and alcoholics. However, means total score was low
among smokers
Conclusion: Thus, in our study we found that when all the six physiological age factors were scored and used
together collectively, we will get better results, rather than using a single physiological factor for estimation of
age. Socio demographic factors, diet and habits have no effect on age estimation.

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