Diatom Examination From Ganga River at Vindhyachal - A Forensic Approach
diatom,gangariver,vindhyachal,drowning deathAbstract
Diatoms are unicellular, photosynthetic (autotrophic), eukaryotic organisms often classified as among the algae.
They are scientifically known as Bacillariophyceae. Diatoms study can be used in medico-legal purpose to solve
the cases of unclaimed drowned or dumped bodies. The detection of diatoms in the organscan contribute to
a diagnosis of death by drowning, a process referred to as the ‘diatom test’.This study was conducted in the
department of Forensic Science, SHUATS, Prayagrajwhich included the extraction and identification of diatoms
from the collected water samples from three different sites of Ganga River in Vindhyachal. The acid-digestion
method was used for diatom extraction. 27 samples were collected (3 from each site) in the month of January,
February, March 2022 from 3 different ghats of Vindhyachali.e Babu Ghat, Pakka Ghat, Diwan Ghat. Samples were
taken from surface, 1 feet and 2 feet deep inside river. After examination and analysis total 18 genera of diatoms
were found. The identified diatoms were of greatecological importanceand plays an important role in criminal
investigations related to pre-mortem or ante-mortem drowning deaths in Ganga river at Vindhyachal,district of

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