Characterization of Physical Assault Related Injuries in a Tertiary Care Center In North India
Physical assault, Injuries, Violence, MedicolegalAbstract
Introduction: Physical violence and aggression has been extensively studied in relation to different forms of
aggression, gender differences, its effects, risk factors etc. Violence not only results in physical problems but
it also has economic and psychological impact on the victim. Cases of physical violence are usually brought to
emergency and vary from minor injuries to fatal outcome.
Methods: This research aims to understand patterns of physical assault and identify ways to prevent and reduce
the incidence. The two year retrospective study was carried out between 1st June 2020 to 31th June 2022 from the
in the causality data of tertiary care center in Punjab.
Results: Of the total, 76.5% of the cases were male. 35.2% cases fall in age group of 21 to 30 years. Most commonly
encountered injury sites were head-face-neck region in 39.6% of the cases. 60.89% cases were seen in rural area.
Use of blunt weapon was seen in 64.80% of cases. Bruise was most common type of injury seen in 38.42% cases

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