Evaluating Foramen Magnum Surface Area in Males and Females for Morphological Differences Using 3D Computed Tomography Among Maharashtrian Population
foramen magnum, 3D CT, antero-posterior, transverse, surface areaAbstract
resist decomposition for a long period. The foramen magnum, which is located at the cranial base, is also a good parameter for identifications with reasonable accuracy. The surface area of the foramen magnum can be calculated using 3D reconstructed computer tomography of the head to assess the morphological differences in males and females, which is useful in forensic sciences.
Objectives: To measure the antero-posterior length of the foramen magnum, the transverse diameter of the foramen magnum, the surface area of foramen magnum in males and females and to compare surface area of male and female foramen magnum to find morphological difference.
Method: CT scan was performed in 40 patients (20+20) in two groups consist male and female, using SIEMENCE SOMATOM 16 SLICE machine, in patients referred to Acharya Vinoba Bhave Rural Hospital for CT head scan with 3D skull. Scan will include the vertex to C3, received images then reconstructed into 3D images. From the 3D images the foramen magnum was measured; anterior-posterior, transverse and surface area in two groups of patients includes males and female. Teixeria’s and Radinsky’s formulae was used. Descriptive analysis to measure area of foramen magnum. Independent sample T test to determine any significant difference between male and female foramen magnum area and Discriminant analysis.
Result: 70% of original group cases were correctly classified using the derived data
Conclusion: foramen magnum can be used in forensic science as gender determination tool in the case where other identifying methods are inconclusive and modern imaging technology can be very useful.

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