Toxicoepidemiology of Posioning Cases in South India
Poisoning, Suicide, Homicide, Death, Forensics, ToxicologyAbstract
Background: Poisoning is a major preventable cause of mortality in a developing Middle Income Country like
India. Different types of poisons lead to death. Cases of poisoning can be suicidal or homicidal with paramount
Medico Legal Importance.
Aims and Objectives: The present study was undertaken to study the toxico-epidemiology of poisoning deaths in
the geographical territory of Hyderabad city, India.
Materials and Methods: This Prospective Observational study included 396 poisoning death cases which were
examined at the mortuary of Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad. Data regarding case demographics and
poisoning agent was collected and analyzed. Data was collected in MS Excel and represented as numbers and
percentages in the form of tables and figures.
Results: Males cases were predominant accounting to 67.4% of the total. The most common age groups were 21-30
years followed by 41-50 years and 31-40 years. 95.7% of the cases succumbed to known poisoning agents whereas
the rest 4.3% were of unknown poisoning agents. Insecticidal poisoning was the most common cause of death.
Among insecticidal poisoning and overall, the most common poisoning was Organophosphate poisoning.
Conclusion: The results of this study will help the doctors and governmental agencies in devising appropriate
treatment and prevention strategies in poisoning cases.

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