Medico – Legal Profile among the Unnatural Deaths in Paediatric Age Group at SMS Hospital, Jaipur


  • R.K Punia
  • Dipender Singh
  • Siddharth Vijay Vergia
  • Suresh Kajla



Paediatrics, Childhood, Medico – legal , Accident , Fall from Height.


Background: Childhood begins after birth and continues into adolescence; according to the Children’s Bill of
Rights, childhood is defined as the life up to 18 years after birth. Childhood mortality is a reliable indicator of
health care facilities of a country and its development.
Aims & Objective: Assessment of medico–legal profile among the unnatural deaths in paediatric age group at
SMS Hospital, Jaipur
Material & Methodology: A cross sectional observational prospective study that used inclusion and exclusion
criteria was conducted. 65 autopsies of medico-legal paediatric unnatural death were taken in the study. The
present study had been conducted in the Mortuary, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, SMS Hospital,
Jaipur during the period from 15 June 2021 to 14 June 2022.
Result & Observation: In this study total 65 pediatric victims studied. Male children account for 61.54 % (40
victims) while female account for 38.46 % (25 victims), unintentional pattern of death was present in 49 subject
with accidental manner of death in all. Intentional pattern of death was present in 16 subject with homicidal
manner of death in 6.15 % and suicidal manner of death in 18.45 %, In present study 23 subject (35.38 %) died due
to Road Traffic Accident, followed by Fall From Height in 12 subject (18.45 %).
Conclusion: From the study we concluded that there is an immense responsibility for the parents and caregivers
in supervising their children. If the incident cannot be prevented, the victim should receive immediate care right
away in order to save their life.

Author Biographies

  • R.K Punia

    Senior Professor,  Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, S.M.S Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur

  • Dipender Singh

    3rd Year P.G Resident, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, S.M.S Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur.

  • Siddharth Vijay Vergia

    3rd Year P.G Resident, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, S.M.S Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur.

  • Suresh Kajla

    3rd Year P.G Resident, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, S.M.S Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur




How to Cite

Medico – Legal Profile among the Unnatural Deaths in Paediatric Age Group at SMS Hospital, Jaipur. (2023). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(3), 26-30.