Clinical Case of Hydrofluoric Acid Burn and Overview of Literature. Case Report and Review


  • Giovanna Paola De Marco
  • Francesco Coletta
  • Crescenzo Sala
  • Simone Esposito
  • Francesca Schettino
  • Maria Di Maro
  • Chiara Pizza
  • Ilaria Mataro
  • Giuseppe Foreste
  • Antonio Tomasello
  • Romolo Villani



We hereby report the case of a 31 years old male patient who attended our Accident and Emergency unit in May
2022 complaining of pain and chemical burns on the distal phalanx of the five digits of the right hand. He reported
that approximately 24 hours earlier, while cleaning the hull of a boat, his hand had been splashed with a cleaning
solution that contained hydrofluoric acid 10%. He had immediately rinsed his hand with water. Around 24 hours
after the incident he began to develop blisters and increasing pain. On clinical examination, the patient presented
deep burns and edema on volar and dorsal aspect of the distal phalanx of the right five digits .He presented a lightly
decreased capillary refill, but had normal pulses and sensation. The US scan showed the integrity of the digital
arteries and veins, as the flow was preserved. The patient was accurately and thoroughly irrigated with saline
solution. Full blood count, renal and hepatic function tests were performed. Ecg and abg were carried out. All tests
were normal. Calcium gluconate was injected locally as per guidelines .One day later, the severe pain subsided as
well as the wounds and edema improved moderately.

Author Biographies

  • Giovanna Paola De Marco

    Emergency and Acceptance Department, Anesthesia, Emergency -Burn Intensive Care Unit and
    Poison Center “A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples

  • Francesco Coletta

    Emergency and Acceptance Department, Anesthesia, Emergency -Burn Intensive Care Unit and
    Poison Center “A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples, Italy,

  • Crescenzo Sala

    Emergency and Acceptance Department, Anesthesia, Emergency -Burn Intensive Care Unit and
    Poison Center “A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples, Italy

  • Simone Esposito

    Institute of Pharmacology, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry, “Scuola Medica Salernitana”, University of Salerno, Baronissi, Italy

  • Francesca Schettino

    Emergency and Acceptance Department, Anesthesia, Emergency -Burn Intensive Care Unit and
    Poison Center “A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples, Italy

  • Maria Di Maro

    Emergency and Acceptance Department, Anesthesia, Emergency -Burn Intensive Care Unit and
    Poison Center “A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples, Italy

  • Chiara Pizza

    Department of Burn Unit and Plastic Surgery, “A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples, Italy,

  • Ilaria Mataro

    Department of Burn Unit and Plastic Surgery,“A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples, Italy,

  • Giuseppe Foreste

    Emergency and Acceptance Department, Anesthesia, Emergency -Burn Intensive Care Unit and Poison Center “A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples, Italy

  • Antonio Tomasello

    Emergency and Acceptance Department, Anesthesia, Emergency -Burn Intensive Care Unit and Poison Center “A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples, Italy

  • Romolo Villani

    Emergency and Acceptance Department, Anesthesia, Emergency -Burn Intensive Care Unit and
    Poison Center “A.O.R.N. A. Cardarelli”, Naples, Italy




How to Cite

Clinical Case of Hydrofluoric Acid Burn and Overview of Literature. Case Report and Review. (2023). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(3), 47-52.