Observational Study of Atlas Vertebra in South Karnataka Population with Special Reference to Retro Articular Canals and Foramina Transversarium
Atlas vertebra, Retroarticular canals, symmetry of foramina transversaria.Abstract
Introduction: Atlas Vertebra (1st cervical vertebra) is called “atypical vertebra” and has unusual shape and
architecture. The dimensions of atlas vertebra are most essential in the technique of cranio-vertebral region
stabilization. The Retroarticular canals and foramina transversaria are important for transoral transpalatinal
approaches to clivus, atlas and axis.
Aim and objectives: To study the incidence of Retroarticular canals and symmetry of foramina transversaria.
Materials and Methods: The material for the present study consists of 100 adult intact human atlases of unknown
sexes. They were collected from the department of anatomy, MS Ramaiah Medical College.
Results: Total number of incidences of retroarticular canals were 10 , 6 were present on right and 4 were on left, Out
of 6 on right side 3 were complete and 3 were incomplete ,on left side 2 were complete and 2 were incomplete. The
foramina transversaria are more prominent on right side in 29 vertebrae as compared to left prominence, which
was observed only in 15 atlas vertebrae. But in majority of cases (60 atlas vertebrae) the foramina transversaria
are equal in size.
Conclusion: The study was conducted in 100 atlas vertebrae The observations on retroarticular canals and
symmetry of foramina transversaria did show significant results. This study will be useful for the forensic
anatomists, forensic anthropologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons

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