Impact of COVID 19 lockdown on Medico Legal Cases in a Tertiary Care Hospital in North Kerala
Covid 19, Impact,Lockdown, Medicolegal cases.Abstract
Background: The consequence of Covid 19 lockdown on medicolegal cases was variable throughout the world.
Methodology: A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital setting and other
public health institutions in the same district with the objective of comparing thetotal number of medico legal
cases, any increase or decrease in the unnatural (accidental, suicidal and homicidal) versus natural deaths and also
whether any increase or decrease of coronary artery disease among the brought dead natural cases during pre and
the lock down period.
Results: Among the total number of medicolegal cases came for autopsy (237), 65.8% were during pre lock down
period and 34.2% were during lockdown period. This indicates a significant reduction in the number of cases
during lockdown compared to pre lockdown in both type of institutions. This reduction in number of cases were
observed in all the type of cases as indicated by reduction in unnatural deaths (30.2%versus 69.8%), small reduction
in natural deaths (46.3% versus 53.7%), accidental deaths (26% versus 74%), suicidal deaths (36.2% versus 63.8%),
reduction in Road traffic accidents(26.3%versus 73.7%), deaths following coronary artery disease (42.9%versus
57.1%). The age distribution of deaths due to coronary artery disease during the pre lockdown period was in a
range of 28 – 85 years and during lockdown period was 33- 78 years with a median of 48 years in both groups.
Conclusion: Regardless of the type of, there is reduction in the number of medicolegal cases during lockdown
compared to pre lockdown in both the types of institutions.

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