A Study of Prevalence of COVID 19 brought for Medico-Legal Autopsy at Tertiary Teaching Hospital Jammu
COVID 19, Autopsy of COVID 19, Prevalence of COVID 19 in General populationAbstract
Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 has killed millions of people around the world. COVID-19 cases and deaths have
continued to rise globally, with an estimated 4.6 million new cases and 79 000 new deaths every week. Since the
beginning of the epidemic, there have been approximately 75 million recorded illnesses and 1.6 million fatalities
Aims and Objective: To study of prevalence of COVID 19 brought for medico-legal autopsy at tertiary teaching
Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study carried out at Autopsy centre attached to the department of Forensic
and Toxicology of a tertiary teaching hospital during the one year period i.e. November 2020 to November 2021.
The details of the patients like age, gender etc. noted. The data was entered to excel sheet analyzed by Excel
software for windows 10.
Result: Out of the total 473 dead bodies brought for medico-legal autopsy 35 i.e. 7.40% found COVID 19 positive
hence the prevalence of COVID 19 was 7.40%. Most common cause dead bodies brought for medico-legal autopsy
was Hanging in 31.43%, followed by Drug overdose in 22.86%, RTA in 20.00%, Poisoning in 17.14%, Fire arm
injuiry in 5.71%, Drowning in 2.86% The majority of the dead bodies were in the age group of 30-40 were 34.29%,
40-50 were 25.71%, 50-60 were 20.00%, >60 were 11.43%, 20-30 were 8.57%. The majority of the dead bodies were
Males i.e. 71.43% and 28.57%.
Conclusion: It can be concluded from our study that the prevalence of COVID 19 does not differed significantly in
the dead bodies brought for the autopsy than the general populations and the medico-legal aspects of the deaths
associated with COVID 19 should be studied in details.

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