Assessment of Socio–Demographic Profile among the Poisoning Death Cases at SMS Hospital, Jaipur
Poison, Socio-demographic Profile, SMS, Jaipur, Autopsies, Toxic.Abstract
Background: Poison can be defined as, a substance (solid, liquid or gas) which if introduced in a living body or
brought in contact with any part will produce ill health or death by its constitutional or local effects or both. The
trends of poisoning fatalities may guide towards planning of preventive measures.
Aims & Objective: Assessment of socio–demographic profileamong the poisoning death cases at SMS Hospital,
Material & Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive observational prospective study that used inclusion
and exclusion criteria was conducted. 110 autopsies of suspected poisoning deaths were taken in this study. The
present study has been conducted in the Mortuary, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, SMS Medical
College, Jaipur from 1st June 2021 to 31st May 2022.
Result & observation:
Conclusion: Health education and strict legal enforcement of rules regarding storage, handling, transportation and
commercial sale of poisonous substances should be established to restrict the easy availability of toxic substances.
Public education regarding use & storage of poisons must be enhanced and counselling centres for persons going
through economic or family distress may be helpful.

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