Stature Estimation by Radiological Length of Femur in Adult Male of Jaipur


  • Naresh Agarwal
  • Sumanta Dutta
  • Mukesh Mittal
  • Gyan Prakash Gaur
  • Siddharth Vijay Vergia
  • Priyank Gupta



Stature, Femur Length, Radiological, X- ray , Regression Formula.


Background: Body Stature is defined as height of the body in upright position and is an inherent character, so
considered as one of the important parameters of personal identification. To know stature of individual, length of
long bones is needed and use of more than one long bone gives accurate result.
Aims & objective: Stature Estimation By Radiological Length Of Femur In Adult Male Of Jaipur.
Material & methodology: A cross sectional analytical type observational study that used inclusion and exclusion
criteria was conducted. 30 males were taken in the study whose radiological measurement of femur length was
conducted by X-ray imaging of right femur bone. The present study had been conducted in Department of Forensic
Medicine in association with Department of Radiology, SMS Medical College and Attached Hospitals, Jaipur.
Result & observation: In current study majority of subject having height ranging from 166 cm – 175 cm (Medium
Stature ) with a mean height of 170.43 cm with a standard deviation of ± 8.14. The mean height in short stature
male is 160.37 ± 3.81 cm, the mean height in Medium stature male is 170.96 ± 3.20 cm and the mean height in Tall
stature male is 181 cm ± 3.65 cm.Majority of male subjects had femur length ranging from 44.1 cm – 46.0 cm with
a mean femur length of 46.39 cm with a standard deviation of ± 2.71. The regression formula for male of native
population of Jaipur is y = 2.8744x + 36.189.
Conclusion:There isa positive correlation between stature and femur length in male native population of Jaipur.

Author Biographies

  • Naresh Agarwal

    3rd Year P.G Resident Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, S.M.S Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur

  • Sumanta Dutta

    Professor,  Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, S.M.S Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur

  • Mukesh Mittal

    Professor, Department of Radio-diagnosis, SMS Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur, India.

  • Gyan Prakash Gaur

    Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, S.M.S Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur

  • Siddharth Vijay Vergia

    3rd Year P.G Resident Department of Forensic Medicine &Toxicology, S.M.S Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur

  • Priyank Gupta

    3rd Year P.G Resident, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, S.M.S Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur




How to Cite

Stature Estimation by Radiological Length of Femur in Adult Male of Jaipur. (2023). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(4), 88-91.