Medico-legal profile among the victims of firearm injury cases at SMS Hospital, Jaipur
Blackening, Firearm, Singeing, Tattooing.Abstract
Background: Injury from a firearm (FA) is a major public health concern that presents significant economic and
medical challenges. Death rates from firearm injuries have dramatically increased as a result of easy access to
firearms and political and social unrest.
Aims & objective: Assessment of medico–legal profile among the victims of firearm injury cases at SMS Hospital,
Material & methodology: A prospective cross-sectional descriptive study with inclusion and exclusion criteria
was carried out. The study included 80 cases of gun injury. From June 2021 to August 2022, the SMS Medical
College and Attached Group of Hospitals, Jaipur, conducted the current study on cases of firearm-related injuries
that were either treated or autopsied.
Result & observation: The majority of the subjects in the current study 75 (93.75%) were the victims of attempted
murder. Nearly half 39 (48.75%) of all firearm shots were made from a distance. In the current study, tattooing
affected 25 subjects, blackening affected 24 subjects, and singeing affected 16 subjects overall.
Conclusion: empty mind devil’s house it is a famous old proverb that’s why we must encourage young people
and adults to work for a living. The reduction of firearm injuries may be facilitated by the growth of a stable social
environment, political stability, and strict regulation of the production, sale, and renewal of licences for weapons.
periodic inspection of manufacturing units and manufactured weapons will reduce accidental firearm injuries.

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