A Cross Sectional Analytical Study of Deaths Due to COVID-19 in Eastern India
COVID-19, deaths, co-morbidities, cause of deathAbstract
Introduction: The present study is an epidemiological study of the fatal cases of COVID-19 positive by Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction in a tertiary care centre in West Bengal. The trace, track and treat mode of investigation has helped in the control and timely intervention in the disease pathogenesis
Objective: to analyse the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 related deaths in tertiary centre in Eastern India and comprehended the pattern of deaths due to COVID-19. This will help in understanding the gaps between infection and deaths.
Methods: It was a cross sectional analytical study. The Medical certification of cause of death was studied and data was tabulated. We collected deaths due to COVID-19 in a tertiary set up in Eastern India from March’2020 to September’2020.
Results: A total of sixty-one deaths were studied. Among the deaths with COVID-19, mild type accounted for the most followed by the severe type. The median age was 65 years 50% of the deaths were distributed in 60-80 years age group. Additionally, the male to female ratio was 3:1. % of patients had underlying comorbidities. It was noted more amongst males. Most of the underlying diseases were hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusion: COVID-19 posed a greater threat to the elderly people and men with fatal consequences.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sandeep Bansal, Ishita Manral, Gautam R Dhokia, JK Bhatia, Shivakumar, Anandhakrihsnan T, DobiSravan Kumar

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