Sex Estimation using Mandibular First Molar and Maxillary First Molar: A Comparative Study
Maxillary molar, Mandibular molar, Sexual dimorphism, Sex estimation, Mesiodistal width, Sex estimation.Abstract
Introduction: Estimation of sex from skeletal remains is an important initial medicolegal aspect of forensic and anthropological examination. Among various methods of sex estimation only DNA analysis gives absolute proof of sex estimation, but such methods are meticulous, immoderate and relatively prolonged and involves difficult DNA extraction technique. Teeth are strongest and toughest structure in the human body which are resistance to fire, decomposition and many other changes and teeth development completed before bone maturation making teeth relevant sex indicator hence teeth can be used for sex estimation. The 1st molar tooth is suitable tooth since it erupts early and very little chance of impaction than other teeth.
Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the sex estimation by mesiodistal width of mandibular and maxillary 1st molar teeth in north Indian population.
Materials and Methods: The sample comprised of dental impression from 106 individuals (53 males and 53 females), all young adults between 20 and 35 years of age. Impressions of the teeth were made using irreversible hydrocolloid (alginate) material and casts poured in dental stone. Mesiodistal (MD) dimensions of mandibular and maxillary 1st molar of both right and left side were measured by digital caliper.
Results: Data were summarized as Mean and SD. Groups (in Gender Male vs female) were compared by unpaired or independent Student’s t test. Mean maxillary width of 1st molar of both right and left side were higher in male than female but were statistically not significant whereas mean of maxillary 1st molar width of right side though slightly higher in male than female but was statistically not significant whereas of left side mean was lower in male than female and statistically not significant in young north Indian population. Very little sexual dimorphism shown by maxillary and mandibular 1st molar.
Conclusion: The study confirmed that maxillary and mandibular 1st molar did not establish a tool for sex estimation in north Indian populations since there was no statistically significant difference in mesiodistal width of mandibular and maxillary 1st molar among males and females on both the right and the left sides jaw.
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