Study of histomorphological changes in the subarachnoid hemorrhage at different time intervals between injury infliction and death.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, Wound dating, Forensic pathologyAbstract
Even though biochemical and molecular methods are under research for wound dating purpose, histology of the injury is still the mainstay of wound dating technique. Significance of knowing how old the wound is can have major implication in the delivery of justice. Similarly, subarachnoid hemorrhage may need to be dated in cases where other data for wound dating are scarce. This study is designed to study the histomorphological changes in the subarachnoid hemorrhages of different time interval since injury and aim to use this information for dating of subarachnoid hemorrhage for medicolegal purpose. The histology samples of subarachnoid hemorrhage of the deceased with head injuries with known post injury interval were taken during the autopsies and divided into different groups. The gross color changes and histomorphological parameters were evaluated in each group and statistical inference was made. The result showed gross color, RBC lysis, macrophage infiltration, hemosiderin laden macrophage, fibrin deposition, collagen deposition and meningeal reactive changes significantly correlated with post injury interval. Whereas, Neutrophils, lymphocytes and phagocytosis did not correlate. RBC lysis also correlated with gross color change as well. In conclusion, histology of subarachnoid hemorrhage can be a useful tool in dating subarachnoid hemorrhage in cases where it is required.
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