An Autopsy Based Epidemiological Study Of Abdominal Injuries In A South India Population
Trauma; Abdominal injury; Road traffic accidents (RTA); Spot death; Hemorrhagic shock.Abstract
Trauma to the abdomen is caused by either blunt or penetrative force due to various reasons and is a major cause of mortality in India. Abdominal injury is an important aspect of trauma because of the difficulty in diagnosis and its lethal potential if not properly and immediately treated.
The present study was aimed at finding the nature and pattern of injuries in the abdomen region among the trauma cases autopsied at a canter. They were evaluated according to age, sex, manner of causation, status of victims and causes of death. After examination of 134 trauma cases involving abdominal injuries, data was compiled and analysed. The results drawn were as follows:
- Most of the victims belonged to the age group of 21–40 years (n = 61 and 44%), and males outnumbered females in the ratio of 9:1.
- Road traffic and railway accidents (RTAs) (n=104, 77%) were the most common cause of abdominal injuries. Among RTA’s, pedestrians (29%) and 2-wheeler riders (34%) were the most affected individuals than occupants of other vehicles.
- Common external abdominal injuries noted were abrasions (72%) and contusions (44%). Common intra-abdominal organs injured were liver (79%), spleen (39%), intestines (14%), and kidneys (12%). Liver sustained more lacerations (69%) than contusions (11%).
- The most frequent associated injuries involved the head, chest, limbs, and spine. The most common associated injury was head injury (35%), and the major cause of death was hemorrhagic shock (47%).
This study concluded that RTA is the main cause of abdominal trauma and males in the most productive age group (21–50 years) were the most affected. Abrasions and contusions were the most common external injuries while lacerations of the liver and spleen were the common internal types. Most of the injured persons died on the spot and hemorrhagic shock, followed by head injury were the main causes of death. These findings reiterate that efforts should be made to decrease these kinds of preventable deaths by creating awareness among the public about importance of following safety measures, on road and at workplaces.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hari Prasad Vanaparthi, Ravi Hosaholalu Lingegowda, Prashanthi Krishna Dharma , Anandkumar Vasudevan
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