Study of Blunt trauma to abdomen and associated mortality after admission in a tertiary care hospital in Moradabad District.


  • Abhishek Kumar Varshney TMMC &RC, Moradabad
  • Qaiser Rasool Panzoo Gautam Budha Chikitsa Mahavidyalaya, Dehradun
  • Pramod Suryakantrao Dode TMMC &RC, Moradabad.
  • Harsh TMMC &RC, Moradabad
  • Navin Kumar Varma TMMC &RC, Moradabad



: Road traffic accident, blunt trauma, abdomen, mortality.


Introduction:- The abdomen area is the 3rd most common area which is injured and surgery required in almost about 25% of civilian cases(1). Blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) is one of the most important causes of mortality among trauma victims. It is the main cause of death in people under 35 years of age in worldwide. (2) Most common cause of blunt trauma abdomen in our country (India) is road traffic accident which is followed by abdominal blows and fall from heights. This ever-expanding out break targeting the youth and useful generations is likely to take a serious burden on theirsocioeconomic growth and quality of life.

Material & Method: - All the cases admitted in the Casualty of T.M.M.C & R.C from district Moradabad and its adjoining area from 1stJanuary 2014 to 30thDecember 2015 with history of blunt trauma to the abdomen were included in the study. All data were compared to similar studies.

Result: - Highest number of patients i.e. 36 (32.7%) belonged to 21-30 years age group. There were 91 (82.7%) male patients and 19 (17.3%) female patients. There were 82 (74.5%) accidental deaths and 23 (20.9%) homicidal deaths while only 5 (4.5%) suicidal deaths. In present study, majority of patients in accidental victims in males belongs to rural community 50 (61%) followed by urban community 12 (14.6%)

Author Biographies

  • Abhishek Kumar Varshney, TMMC &RC, Moradabad

    Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, TMMC &RC, Moradabad

  • Qaiser Rasool Panzoo, Gautam Budha Chikitsa Mahavidyalaya, Dehradun

    Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Gautam Budha Chikitsa Mahavidyalaya, Dehradun

  • Pramod Suryakantrao Dode, TMMC &RC, Moradabad.

    Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, TMMC &RC, Moradabad.

  • Harsh, TMMC &RC, Moradabad

    Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, TMMC &RC, Moradabad

  • Navin Kumar Varma, TMMC &RC, Moradabad

    Professor & HOD, Department of Forensic Medicine, TMMC &RC, Moradabad


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How to Cite

Study of Blunt trauma to abdomen and associated mortality after admission in a tertiary care hospital in Moradabad District. (2024). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 19(1), 44-49.