Effect of Goal Oriented Exercises Versus Combined Physiotherapy Intervention on Functional Independence in Subject With Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury, Functional Independence Measure, Physiotherapy Intervention.Abstract
Background- Traumatic brain injury is a devastating neurological disorder and a leading cause of death and acquired disability in India. Traumatic brain injury leads the damage to the brain that result in impairment in physical, cognitive, speech/language, daily activities and quality of life and behavioural functioning. These impairments have direct impact on the individuals functional outcome after traumatic brain injury. In rural areas the health care delivery system is still an upcoming area. There is scarcity in rehabilitation units to provide health care. Many researches has been done on motor and balance impairment but there is lack of researches done on goal oriented exercises and combined physiotherapy intervention on functional independence. In this study we are given goal oriented exercises mainly concentrate on problem list of patients and combined physiotherapy intervention given combining all the exercises and give it to the patients. Indeed this made us to study the effect of Goal Oriented Exercises Versus Combined Physiotherapy Intervention on Functional Independence in Subject with Traumatic Brain Injury. Objectives-1. To find out effect of Goal oriented exercises On functional independence In subjects with traumatic brain injury.2.To find out effect of Combined Physiotherapy Intervention On functional independence In subject with traumatic brain injury. Method- 44 subjects diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury were included in this study. Subjects were divided into two different groups. Group A was Given Goal Oriented Exercises and group B was given combined Physiotherapy intervention. These subjects were allocated by convenient sampling method. During Pre and post treatment assessment functional mobility were assessed by outcome measures Functional Independence Measure and Barthel Index. These outcome measures were analysed. Result- Pre and Post functional independence and mobility was analysed by using paired and unpaired t test. Data analysis showed significance for FIM and Barthel Index (p value less than 0.001) for both the groups but comparative to group A (Goal oriented Exercises), group B (Combined Physiotherapy Intervention) is more effective. Conclusion- Goal oriented Exercises and Combined Physiotherapy Intervention is effective in improving the functional independence and mobility in the post Traumatic Brain Injury individuals but comparative to Goal oriented Exercises, Combined Physiotherapy Intervention is more effective.