Design and Implementing System to Study Environmental Noise Pollution Using Microcontroller


  • Ahmed Yousif Falih1, Ali Talib Qasim2, Basma Jumaa Saleh3, Walaa Sami Tahlok4



Pollution, environmental monitoring, Noise, WSN, T-Test


This paper proposed a system and presents it’s result obtained in a study on environmental noise pollution in the city of Baghdad, Iraq. The sensing system is built on Atmega128 and CC2420 platform. We designed and implemented a sensor function for wireless sensor network application using special network named (WSN) for measuring environmental acoustic noise. Based on the readings obtained became clear that 90 % out of the locations during the peak time have equivalent sound level over 75 dBA, and 60 % out of the total number of locations measured display during the normal time equivalent sound level over 75 dBA.

Author Biography

  • Ahmed Yousif Falih1, Ali Talib Qasim2, Basma Jumaa Saleh3, Walaa Sami Tahlok4

    1University of Mustansiriyah/ Engineering Faculty/ Computer Engineering Department/ Baghdad/ Iraq, 2University of Baghdad/ Science Faculty/ Computer Science Department/ Baghdad/ Iraq




How to Cite

Design and Implementing System to Study Environmental Noise Pollution Using Microcontroller. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(2), 720-725.