Do Attendances to the Medico-legal Directorate in Baghdad Referred as Alive Police Cases Have HIV Infection?


  • Nabeel Ghazi Hashim Al-Khateeb1, Wisam Shakir Salman2, Munjid Rezali3 , Muthana A.Jaber Abdullah4, Aysar Sakin Abdulfattah5, Khalid Majeed Lafta6, Khalid Majeed Lafta, Ban Sabeeh Alwan7



Medico-legal directorate, Alive police cases, HIV infections.


Background: This is the first study in Iraq that was carried on alive police cases referred to be examined in the medico-legal directorate (M.L.D.) of Baghdad such as victims of violence and sexual assaults for HIV infection. Reaching subgroups of population that have risky behavior for HIV infection is difficult for the time being in our community due to reasons related to culture, religion &security state Objectives: To find the prevalence of HIV infection among the attendance to the M.L.D. of Baghdad referred to as alive police cases. Method: This study had involved (76) cases (45) were males and (31) females among various alive police cases that referred to M.L.D. of Baghdad during the period from 1\1\2011 till 31\10\2011. A written agreement had been taken from all involved individuals. Blood samples were taken, centrifuged, deeply freezed, and tested in specialized HIV laboratory using ELYZA technique EIA Test Kit Laboratories Tes Forsight Acon USA lot; 1105010. Results: All of the (76) tested samples were negative for HIV infection. Conclusion: The results of this study supported the general impression that Iraq considered as a low prevalence country to HIV infection, even in high risk groups.

Author Biography

  • Nabeel Ghazi Hashim Al-Khateeb1, Wisam Shakir Salman2, Munjid Rezali3 , Muthana A.Jaber Abdullah4, Aysar Sakin Abdulfattah5, Khalid Majeed Lafta6, Khalid Majeed Lafta, Ban Sabeeh Alwan7

    1Assistant Professor of Forensic Medicine in the Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine \ College of Medicine \ University of Baghdad, 2Manager of AIDS Controlling Department \ Baghdad, Al-Rusafa, 3Consultant in Forensic Medicine\ Medico-legal Directorate in Baghdad, 4Professional member of the chartered society of Forensic Sciences – UK., Specialist in Forensic Medicine \ Medico-legal Directorate \ Baghdad, 5Aysar Sakin Abdulfattah, M. B. Ch. B., Practitioner in Forensic Medicine\ Medico-legal Directorate in Baghdad, 6Specialist in Forensic Medicine \ Medico-legal Directorate in Baghdad, 7M. B. Ch. B., M. Sc. (Pathology\ Forensic Medicine) Forensic Pathologist. \ Medico-legal Directorate in Baghdad.




How to Cite

Do Attendances to the Medico-legal Directorate in Baghdad Referred as Alive Police Cases Have HIV Infection?. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(2), 834-837.