Knowledge about Obstetric Warning Signs during Pregnancy among Mothers Attending the Primary Health Care Centers in Hilla City
Knowledge, Pregnancy, Primary Health Care CentersAbstract
Pregnancy is the most attractive stage in a woman’s life. Signs of risk of pregnancy include bleeding, fluid leakage from the vagina, unusual abdominal pain, cramping, pelvic pressure, headaches or blurred vision, marked swelling in the hands and face, burning urination, foul odors, chills or fever, reduced fetal movements and others with all those the mother need to knowledgeable. A descriptive (cross-sectional) design study was conducted in Al.Hilla city from the period1st September/2018-13thJuly/2019, to assess the knowledge toward the obstetric warning signs during pregnancy and to find out the relationship between the knowledge of the study sample and their demographic characteristics with obstetrical history). The sample of the study was non- probability (convenient sample)consist of(250)pregnant women. Data was collected through the use of interview technique, each participant needs(25-30)minutes to complete the form. The questionnaire was validated through a committee of(19)experts. A pilot study was conducted to determine the reliability of the instrument. The data were analyzed using statistical and descriptive data analysis methods carried out by(SPSSversion20). The results of the present study shows that the overall knowledge assessment of the pregnant women were good responses regarding warning signs during pregnancy.