Principal Fairness and Equity within Healthcare Services based on BPJS Kesehatan


  • Sulardi1, Yusufa Ibnu Sina Setiawan2



BPJS, fairness, universal health coverage, healthcare


Health services are the right of all Indonesian citizens. The health service system in Indonesia refers to the class system because based on the Law on BPJS itself it explains that the Indonesian public health service is in accordance with the premiums paid. The class system often triggers differences in services that are not the same equity and risk discrimination against health services. BPJS is a Universal Health Coverage (UHC) system in Indonesia. UHC system abroad, the health service is not based on classes, premium payment is the same. Comparison to other countries is not a wise view but it can be a benchmark of the progress or value of the service system in our country. Gradually, non-class based health services must be implemented to equalize and prevent discrimination in health services so that a conducive, fair and patient-based service environment can be created.

Author Biography

  • Sulardi1, Yusufa Ibnu Sina Setiawan2

    1Associate Professor, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, 2Master of Law Student, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang




How to Cite

Principal Fairness and Equity within Healthcare Services based on BPJS Kesehatan. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(2), 2548-2553.