Beyond the Screen: Debunking the Myth that Online Education Means Being Alone
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Background: Nursing education has shifted to online learning environments due to rapid advancements in technology and the COVID-19 pandemic. Some nursing educators and students misunderstand that online learning is isolating and lonely.
Method: This literature review explores the impact of online learning on students' emotional well-being and challenges the belief that it is inherently lonely. It examines global events, the growth of online nursing programs, and the myth of online nursing education as isolating and depressing.
Results: Online learning is a popular and effective education method that caters to diverse learners and contexts. The instructor's role is crucial in ensuring student satisfaction and engagement, fostering community and interaction among online learners.
Conclusion: Online learning is a rich and rewarding experience, with supportive instructors. This series will explore ways to break the myth of loneliness and foster community in the online environment.
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