A Qualitative Study to Explore Survivors' Experiences in the Implementation of Covid-19 Primary Prevention Efforts in Aceh Province
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Background: Primary prevention plays an important role in preventing the occurrence of a disease or other health problems including Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of Covid-19 survivors in implementing primary prevention efforts for Covid-19.
Research Method: This Qualitative study used a phenomenological descriptive design. The Study participants comprised Covid-19 survivors in the capital of Aceh Province, Indonesia. Data were collected using demographic data sheets, Covid-19 primary precaution questionnaires, interview guidelines, field notes, and voice recording devices. Data analysis employed a qualitative data analysis technique.
Results: The study shows two main themes regarding Covid-19 survivors’ experiences in implementing primary prevention efforts for Covid-19: knowledge about primary prevention efforts for Covid-19, and; obstacles in implementing Covid-19 primary prevention (e.g., use of masks, washing hands, physical distancing, etc)
Conclusion: Covid-19 primary prevention implementation can have both positive and negative experiences for survivors (people). Health professionals should consider these in their intervention programs.
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