Education Empowerment : Transformation of Parenting Style with Incidence of Stunting. A Cross Sectional Analysis in One Island, Indonesia
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Childhood Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five as a result of chronic malnutrition so that children become too short for their age. Parenting is an important component that should not be disregarded in the pursuit of better nutritional status, since it has an indirect impact on nutritional.This study aims to determine the relationship betweenfamily parenting and the incidence of stunting in Simeulue Island Aceh, Indonesia. This study applied a cross-sectional design involving 86 people who were taken by proportional sampling. Chi-square test showed a relationship between permissive parenting and experienced stunting (p-value, 0.001), a relationship between authoritarian parenting and experienced stunting (p-value, 0.000), and a relationship betweendemocratic parenting with experienced stunting (p-value, 0.002). Therefore,it is expected that respondents, namely families of toddlers, will provide good parenting to toddlers so that they will increase the growth and development of toddlers to prevent stunting.
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