Mucormycosis: An Increasing Concern; Experience From A Tertiary Care Centre.
mucormycosis, Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, Rhinocerebral.Abstract
Background: Mucormycosis is an angioinvasive life threatening infection caused by the fungus belonging to the order Mucorales and family Mucoraceae. The prevalence of mucormycosis is on a rising trend. The known risk factors for mucormycosis includes uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, malignancies such as lymphomas, leukemia, organ transplant, long term corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy, renal failure, burns, protein-energy-malnutrition etc.
Methods: This is a prospective study conducted over a period of six months. Samples showing broad aseptate ribbon like fungal hyphae were included in the study. Clinical, demographic details, risk factors, results of radiological and pathological investigations were collected and analysed.
Results: In the study period, 76 samples were received for KOH examination in the laboratory, out of which 15 samples were found to be positive for broad aseptate ribbon like fungal hyphae. The mean age of the study group was 43.4 years. Out of 15 patients, 66.6% were males and 33.3% were females. All the cases were of Rhinocerebral mucormycosis and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus was the risk factor present in all the cases. Five patients were diagnosed with diabetes at the time of admission. Three cases presented with diabetic ketoacidosis, two cases had chronic kidney disease and one was a known case of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Conclusion: In the past few years, there has been a steady increase in the cases of mucormycosis, both worldwide and in India. As the disease progresses rapidly, prompt diagnosis and early management plays a crucial role in survival of the patient.
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