Assessment Of Selected Cardiac Enzymes To Find Out Cardiac Damage In Admitted COVID 19 Patients In Tertiary Care Hospital, Kolkata
Lactate dehydrogense, Creatine phosphokinase, Covid 19Abstract
Introduction: The systemic inflammatory response of SARS COV2 virus affects cardiovascular system too along with the respiratory system. The prediction of prognosis & though unclear still it can be assessed by CRP level. The cardioselective biomarkers of LDH & CPK (CKMB & LDH1) has been seen to be elevated in covid infection which is more profound in severity of infection
The study was done to find any association of cardioselective isoenzyemes of LDH & CPK with the inflammatory marker (CRP) in admitted covid patients
Materials & methods: 88 admitted covid patients in CMSDH having LDH 663 U/L to 955 U/L (as 95% CI) were assessed for LDH1 by heat inactivation method at 650C & total CPK, CKMB & CRP were measured using standardized kits.
Result: LDH1: LDH is significantly correlated with total CPK (r=0.387 & P<0.05) & CKMB (r=0.55 & p<0.05) in covid patients. By Chi- square test significant association has been found between CRP with LDH1: total LDH ratio 2 value= 5.934 & p=0.03) and between CRP with CK-MB ( 2 value= 11.37 & p<0.001).
Conclusion: in our study there was significant myocardial involvement indicated by increased cardioselective biomarkers (LDH1 & CKMB) which threaten the possibility of adverse cardiovascular complications in patients suffering & recovered from covid infection.
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