A Cross Sectional Study On Prevalence And Risk Factors For Low Birth Weight Babies In South India


  • P. Sudha Kumari Kurnool Medical college
  • B.Renuka KMC, Kurnool.
  • P. Kaavya KMC, Kurnool.




Cross sectional, Low birth weight Prevalence, Risk factors.


Background : Low birth weight continues to be a significant public health problem globally and is associated with a range of both short and long term consequences. 

Objectives : 1.To estimate the prevalence of low birth weight babies delivered in GGH, Kurnool. 2. To find out the association of risk factors in low birth weight babies.

Methods : An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in GGH, Kurnool, Andhra pradesh. Prevalence of low birth weight, exposure to different risk factors was recorded using a preformed questionnaire. 

Results : Low birth weight is present in 17.8% of the babies of the study group. Half of the mothers birth conception interval was less than 3 years. 99% of the mothers had morethan 4 antenatal visits and they are taking IFA Tablets. Occupation of the mother, height of the mother, weight gain during pregnancy, history of infections malaria, dengue were significantly associated and important determinants of low birth weight.

Conclusion : Imparting health and nutrition education by health functionaries to antenatal mothers and early detection of high risk pregnancy and timely referral to higher institution will reduce the LBW problem

Author Biographies

  • P. Sudha Kumari, Kurnool Medical college

    Professor & HOD, Community Medicine, Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool.

  • B.Renuka, KMC, Kurnool.

    Associate Professor, Community medicine, KMC, Kurnool.

  • P. Kaavya, KMC, Kurnool.

    3rd Year MBBS student, KMC, Kurnool.


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How to Cite

A Cross Sectional Study On Prevalence And Risk Factors For Low Birth Weight Babies In South India. (2025). Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 16(1), 326-334. https://doi.org/10.37506/teb12w61