Clinical And Socio-Demographic Profile Of Chidren Aged 6-59 Month With Severe Acute Malnutrition Presenting In A Tertiary Care Hospital In Nuh, Haryana
malnutrition, Diarrhoea, under five, prevention, home management, Acute diarrheal diseases, Birth order, malnutrition, overcrowding, under-five mortalityAbstract
Background: Malnutrition adversely affects achievement of all the milestones namely motor, sensory, cognitive and social.
Methods: The records of 150 patients with severe acute malnutrition over a period of one year (July 2022-July 2023) were reviewed, and a statistical comparison of various variables were made.
Results: As per study, mean weight(kg) 7.48 ± 2.02, mostly i.e.78.67% were having weight <-3 SD. Mean height or length(cm) was 77.5 ± 11.14 ,majority was in between 2SD to -3SD i.e. 48.00%, MUAC was < 11.5 among 123 (82%), 11.6-12.5 among 10 (6.67%), 12.6-13.5 among 17 (11.33%).There were 41.33% males and 58.67% females.Of study population, Birth order was 1st among 9 (6.0%), 2nd among 11 (7.33%), 3rd among 38 (25.33%) and 4th and above among 92 (61.34%) subjects with a mean of 4.05± 1.52.Among my study most of children were mixed Feeding 53.34%,while only 13.33% were Exclusive breast feed while 33.33% were Top feed .Immunization was Complete among 10.67%, Incomplete among 62.67% and Unimmunized among 26.67% subjects. Pedal Edema was present among 44 (29.33%) subjects and absent in 106(70.67%).The presenting complaint reported were anemia (38.67%), pneumonia (26.67%), acute gastroenteritis (12.67%), hypoglycemia (10.00%), Dehydration (8.0%) and UTI (4.00%) and most common presenting complication wasanemia (80%), followed by pneumonia (52%), acute gastroenteritis (34.00%), dehydration (29.67%), Lethargy/hypoglycaemia (30%), meningitis (8.00%), tuberculosis(5.33%)and UTI (4.00%)As per my study, complication are more severe unvaccinated children, however effect is statistically insignificant (p> 0.05)
Conclusion: SAM was most common in 13-24 months age group and with increasing age, a lesser proportion of children were affected with SAM. There was a strong correlation between adverse outcomes and dietary risk factors such as the length of time spent nursing exclusively, using a bottle, and delaying the introduction of supplementary foods. Most common co-morbidities were anaemia and pneumonia.
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