A Retrospective Study On Indications Of Caesarean Section In A Tertiary Care Urban Setup


  • Biswajyoti Guha AMRI Hospital Mukundapur
  • Aparna Mondal AMRI Hospital Mukundapur




Caesarean section, indications, tertiary care


Background- A Caesarean Section (CS) is a life saving procedure. It has a beneficial effect on maternal and child health as an alternative to difficult vaginal delivery. Adverse outcomes are postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), surgical site infection, puerperal sepsis, and maternal mortality, and fetal complications like neonatal sepsis, neonatal death, stillbirth, neonatal respiratory distress, a low Apgar score, and preterm birth. In past few decades a remarkable increase has been observed in delivery by caesarean section. This study aimed to find the indications of caesarean section in a private hospital.

Method- A retrospective study was carried out for a period of six months at AMRI Hospital, Mukundapur, Kolkata.  This includes 359 pregnant women, who underwent caesarean sections, both elective and emergency.

Conclusion- Out of 359 pregnant women, 91% (328) were elective caesareans and 9% (31) were emergency caesarean sections. Previous caesarean section 16.15% (58) was found to be the most common indication of caesarean sections. A reduction of primary CS should be given priority. Following labor care guidelines, use of cardiotocography, partography, and patient education will contribute to the reduction of caesarean sections and related complications.

Author Biographies

  • Biswajyoti Guha, AMRI Hospital Mukundapur

    Consultant, Gynaecology and Obstetrics,AMRI Hospital Mukundapur.

  • Aparna Mondal, AMRI Hospital Mukundapur

    AMRI Hospital Mukundapur. 223& 230, Barakhola, Jadavpur Mukundapur, South 24 Parganas Kolkata-700099, West Bengal


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How to Cite

A Retrospective Study On Indications Of Caesarean Section In A Tertiary Care Urban Setup. (2025). Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 16(1), 112-117. https://doi.org/10.37506/70e8ed60