Knowledge And Implementation Practices Of Standard Intensive Care Services: Underlying Characteristics Of Bangladeshi Healthcare Providers Context
Knowledge, Implementation Practices, Standard Intensive Care Services, Healthcare ProvidersAbstract
The concept of intensive care is emerging in Bangladesh, but it is receiving less attention. Among junior doctorsknowledge gaps are especially common regarding emergency care. To determine knowledge and implementation practices of standard intensive care services among healthcare providers in Bangladesh. From February to May 2023, a cross-sectional research of doctors and nurses running the intensive care unit (ICU) in Bangladesh's Barisal district was carried out. Participants filled out confidential, self-administered knowledge and practice questionnaires. There were a total of 80 respondents, including 86.3% of young people (age less than 40) and 73.8% of female respondents. It was found that physicians (AOR/p=13.16/0.02; 95% CI: 1.41-122.92) who had less ICU work experience (5 years) (AOR/p=13.98/0.01; 95% CI: 2.35-83.26) were found to have significantly poor knowledge. It was found that doctors with less than five years of experience working in an intensive care unit (AOR/p=6.07/0.03; 95% CI: 1.16-31.64) and no ICU training (AOR/p=5.82/0.04; 95% CI: 1.09-30.81) significantly performed poorly when providing ICU services. Standard intensive care education for gaining better knowledge should be. Additionally, it is encouraged to determine the likely causes that make it challenging for intensive care units to implement best practices.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Most. Farida Begum, Bilkis Banu, Nasrin Akter, SujanaHaque Chowdhury, Nusrat Hossain Sheba, Shahnaz Begam

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