Randomized Control Trial To Study The Effect Of Coded Unani Formulation UNIM-904 And Amlodipine On Serum Lipid Profile And Electrolyte Level In Patients With Essential Hypertension.
Essential hypertension, blood pressure, precision medicine, Lipid profileAbstract
Essential hypertension, is a major health problem in developed countries, affecting nearly one billion people worldwide [1]. It has a strong association with cardiovascular disease and contributes greatly to morbidity, mortality economic burden [2], Accounting for about 57% of all deaths due to stroke and 24% of all deaths due to coronary heart disease in India [3]. By 2025, the number of hypertensive individuals may rise to 213 million from 118 million in 2000 [4]. The major risk factors for hypertension include obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, and dyslipidaemia apart from the dietary pattern [5]. Various studies have implicated a close association of dyslipidaemia and hypertension [6,7]. Herbal medicines origin has been extensively used in the therapeutic management of hypertension for a long time.
Aim of the study: To study the Effect of coded Unani formulation UNIM-904 on serum Lipid profile and electrolyte level with allopathic drug amlodipine before and after treatment in patients with essential Hypertension.
Materials and methods: The data presented in this work Randomized and open-level clinical trial conducted on 40 UNIM-904 and 40 amlodipine cases at the Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Mumbai, from 2014-2018. The participants of any sex aged between 30 and 60 years. The participants of the treatment group were treated with coded Unani formulation UNIM-904 5 gm BD/day) and Amlodipine 5 mg OD/day) was given to the control group for 84 days once at night daily.
The statistical analysis of the presented data was done using a paired t-test and a p-value of ≤0.05 was considered significant). The study indicates that when results were compared with baseline to end of treatment of two groups treated with Unani and allopathic drugs, namely, UNIM-904 and amlodipine, the former showed a significant.
Results: We observed a significant reduction (treatment group versus control group) in mean serum potassium by 4.91 versus 4.45, Calcium 9.34 versus 8.52, Cholesterol 169.93 versus 198.87, HDL-Cholesterol 47.97 versus 44.29 levels was statistically significant after Treatment in both Groups. Thus, it is concluded that both the drugs do possess the anti-hypertensive activity and reduce systolic, and diastolic blood pressure respectively, there were no significant changes in liver function tests as well as kidney function tests. yet the Unani-coded drug has shown a comparatively better rate of safety and without side effects and, therefore, recommended for use in essential hypertension cases. Further studies are suggested on a larger group of essential hypertensive patients to develop safe, effective, viable, and cheap herbal drug to combat hypertension evading satisfactory cure in modern medicine.
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