Psycho-Social Morbidity And Its Determinants Among Geriatric Population In A Rural Field Practice Area –A Cross –Sectional Study
Psycho-social, Depression, Geriatric, Dementia, social security ,social Maladjustment.Abstract
Introduction: One in four older adults worldwide, suffer from mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and dementia, according to the WHO. Studies indicate high rates of depression, anxiety, and dementia among older adults, emphasizing the need for comprehensive healthcare strategies. Addressing psychosocial morbidities through early identification and intervention is crucial for improving the quality of life for elderly individuals in India.The objective of the present study is to study the prevalence and determinants of psychosocial morbidity in elderly patients in the geriatric clinicTop of ForBottom of Form
Methodology : This is a cross-sectional community based study conducted in a rural field practice area of Government Vellore Medical College,Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. The study population constituted of individuals aged >60 years .The study used a sample size of 91. P value ≤ 0.05 was considered as the level of significance for the statistical tests. Depression and dementia were screened using standardized scales, and data analysis was performed using SPSS.
Results :About 39 (42.8%) were habituated to alcohol. 47 (51.65%) sometimes faced social maladjustment and 3 (3. 2%) always live with social maladjustments. 41[45.1%] reported anxiety. Dementia was diagnosed in 25.3% and 56% of the people reported depression according to a psychological assessment.
Conclusion:Early identification and intervention for mental health conditions, along with programs promoting social engagement and healthy lifestyles, are crucial in enhancing the quality of life for the growing elderly population.
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Purnasinshketal; psychiatric morbidity in geriatric population in old age homes and community; practice study Indian journal of psychosocial medicine Jan –March 2012 VOL 3(4); 39-43

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