The Study Of The Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice About The Air Pollution Among The Residents Of Kolar Town Of South India
Environment,Air pollution,Knowledge, Attitude,Practice.Abstract
Introduction: Air pollution is a major environmental health problem affecting everyone.Few studies have revealed the specific needs of the residents; hence the thought demand for residents to the knowledge of air pollution information was explored using a questionnaire.
Aims and objective: To develop awareness and understanding of pollution hazards and their prevention among the Kolar population on air pollution by using a questionnaire.
Materials and methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 subjects in Kolar town by Purposive sampling technique with a validated, standard questionnaire by interview method and collectedwasanalysedby SPSS version 20.
Results:Majoritygainedknowledge on air pollution from mobile phones and television, Whilea few said from the public and newspapers. Regarding attitude, 91% agreed that air pollution affected their health and the environment, with 116 (96.7%) 106 (88.3%) saying it from outdoor and indoor activities respectively.Statistically significant association was established between knowledge gained among educators with (P=0.004) and attitude toward outdoor air pollution with (P=0.001) and changes in behavioural patterns with (P=0.042).
Conclusion: This work served as a starting point for a more timely and complete survey on air pollution and its relation to health and economic growth.
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