Conventional Method Of Dissection Versus Identification Of Rouviere’s Sulcus And Cystic Lymph Node As Safety Landmarks In Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Comparative Study.
Rouviere’s sulcus, Calot’s Triangle, cystic node, CVS, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, bile duct injury.Abstract
Background: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) is the Gold Standard procedure for symptomatic gallstones. With the development of laparoscopic procedure, surgical interest in the Rouviere’s sulcus and cystic lymph node in relation to the right portal pedicle and prevention of bile duct injury has increased recently. This prospective study aimed at safety landmarks for avoiding Bile Duct Injuries during surgery and reducing the number of intraoperative and postoperative complications in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The aim of the study is to compare the frequency of bile duct injury in conventional method of dissection versus the frequency of bile duct injury by delineating rouviere’s sulcus and cystic lymph node as safety landmark in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Material and Method: A comparative study was conducted on 60 patients of cholelithiasis who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy at our institution in two-year period. All patients were evaluated in terms of clinical, biochemical, haematological and ultrasonographic parameters and randomised in two groups. Patients were allocated group A and B depending upon Ticket picked by them. Group A patient: Rouviere’s sulcus and cystic lymph node was identified intraoperatively and an imaginary line (R4U) that passed from the sulcus across the base of segment 4 to the umbilical fissure drawn and cystic line is an imaginary line running through cystic lymph node and parallel to hepatoduodenal ligament was drawn and dissection superolateral to intersection of these lines along with achievement of CVS. Group B patients: Underwent conventional method of dissection (calot’s Triangle dissection with critical view of safety achievement). Patients were followed up after 7 days and assessment was done. Conclusion : the study concluded that before commencement of calot’s triangle dissection identification of Rouviere's sulcus [RS] and cystic lymph node of lund is an extra biliary, easily accessible and reliable anatomical land mark from where we can draw two imaginary line [R4U and cystic line] and dissection start above and lateral to intersection of these line and no injury was observed and one bile duct injury was noted during convention method of dissection. So it can help us as an additional safe reference point to avoid bile duct injury and dissection in safe area close to gall bladder in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
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