Understanding the Pattern of Fatalities During Extreme Heat Waves: A Comprehensive Analysis of Hot Summer-Related Deaths
Heat- related deaths, Heat wave effects, Patterns of heat wave effects.Abstract
There is widening data gaps in heatwave deaths in India amidst record-breaking temperatures. Heat related morbidities and mortalities are poorly defined and identified in a developing country that is bearing the onslaught of extreme heat waves that worsen every summer. Discrepancies are highlighted between data reported by various agencies regarding heat-related fatalities, raising concerns about the accuracy and consistency of information. The guidelines and policies that are in place to deal with this emergency are not adequate in comparison to the severity of the issue at hand.
Clinicians and medical officers who declare death and perform postmortem examination are not fully sensitized as to the importance of certifying an illness or death to be consequent to effects of heat waves.
Further, the lack of research into the corelation between crime and temperature in an Indian context tend to severely handicap the implementation of administrative and governing policies due to lack of knowledge. Such policies can abate the crime sprees that tend to increase during heat waves.
This article comprehensively aims to describe and elucidate the pattern of mortalities and morbidities that occur during extreme heat waves and hopes to inspire further research into the same to better understand and combat the effects of such avoidable fatalities.
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